1 Using the Master Theorem to Solve Recurrences 2 Solving the Knapsack Problem with Dynamic Programming. 3 Resources for Understanding Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT) 4 Explaining the 'Corrupted Sentence' Dynamic Programming Problem 5 An exploration of the Bellman-Ford shortest paths graph algorithm 6 Finding Minimum Spanning Trees with Kruskal's Algorithm 7 Finding Max Flow. The knapsack problem can be solved by using different methods of computational algorithms. But here we will solve this problem by using a genetic algorithm. So, we could put valuable items in the knapsack. Example: Let us consider, we have four items and their weights and values are given:in the below table: ITEM. WEIGHT (Kg) VALUE.

Knapsack Problem Using Opengl
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Knapsack Problem Using Opengl System

Data StructureGreedy AlgorithmAlgorithms

A list of items is given, each item has its own value and weight. Items can be placed in a knapsack whose maximum weight limit is W. The problem is to find the weight that is less than or equal to W, and value is maximized.

There are two types of Knapsack problem.

  • 0 – 1 Knapsack
  • Fractional Knapsack

For the 0 – 1 Knapsack, items cannot be divided into smaller pieces, and for fractional knapsack, items can be broken into smaller pieces.

Knapsack Problem Using Opengl

Here we will discuss the fractional knapsack problem.

The time complexity of this algorithm is O(n Log n).

Knapsack Problem Using Opengl Program

Input and Output


Input − maximum weight of the knapsack, list of items and the number of items


Output: The maximum value obtained.



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